Lee Slichter
Development Guide - National Trainer
Lee’s philosophy about teaching is simple. Learning is a path to freedom and power. Our high expectations are one way we show how much we believe in our kids’ futures. We have to protect their opportunity to learn. Schools are meant to be places for pursuing new knowledge, new skills, and new confidence. We need awareness of what we know and what we don’t know yet. This is true for students, but it is also true for teachers.
Excellent teachers call forward a high level of effective learning behavior from students and, in return, provide a high level of engaging and intriguing learning activities.
Engaged teachers engage their students. And engaged students learn joyfully, freely, and deeply.
Brene Brown suggests, “What we are ethically called to do is create a safe space in our schools and classrooms where all students can walk in and, for that day or hour, take off the crushing weight of their armor, hang it on a rack, and open their heart to truly be seen.” One of the main ingredients missing in a lot of our classrooms today is a “connection with kids.” Lee agrees that the research is clear, when students feel that they are safe and that they matter to you, they will work harder and challenge you less.
Lee understands that students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds and cultures and their cognitive abilities, assets, and experiences are just as wide-ranging. Sometimes the only thing students have in common is their age! The “one size fits all” approach does not work anymore.
She also believes teachers don’t need any more theory and new, trendy programs with catchy names. Teachers need to be given research-based, proven, practical strategies and applications that they can start implementing immediately – without throwing anything out that is working in their classroom.
Lee is dedicated to helping educators be successful through motivation, inspiration, humor, and a common-sense approach to stress management. Most importantly, she leaves educators with as many proven, practical strategies as she can. Teaching and learning are not only the key components of her profession, they are her hobby and her passion. Someone wise once said that the place where we are “called” to serve is where our own deep gladness intersects the world’s great need. This is the area where she will leave her mark on the world.